Senin, 24 April 2017

Vocabulary ( About Chemistry )


1.      Substance                    : Zat: A type of matter with a fixed composition.
2.      Compound                   : Senyawa: A substance in which the atoms of 2 or more elements are combined.
3.      Element                       : Unsur: If all the atoms in a substance has the same identity it becomes {blank}.
4.      Heterogeneous mixture: Campuran heterogen: Mixture in which different materials can easily be distinguished.
5.      Homogeneous mixture: Campuran homogeny: Contains 2 or more gases, liquids, or solids substances blended evenly.
6.      Periodic table               : Tabel periodic: A table filled with elements in order of atomic numbers, etc.
7.      Electrons                      : Elektron: Particles in a atom with a negative charge.
8.      Solution                       : Larutan: Homogeneous mixture with particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope.
9.      Chemical change         : Perubahan kimia: A change of one substance to another.
10.  Isotopes                       : Isotop: Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
11.  Covalent Bond : Ikatan kovalen: Attraction formed when elements share electrons.
12.  Acid                             : Asam: This is anything that gives off H+ ions in water. Acids have a pH less than 7 and are good at dissolving metals. They turn litmus paper red and phenolphthalein colorless.
13.  Alkali metals                : Logam alkali: Group I in the periodic table
14.  Absolute temperature   : Suhu absolute : This is a temperature reading made relative to absolute zero. We use the unit of Kelvins for these readings.
15.  Cathode                       : Katoda : The electrode in which reduction occurs. Reduction is when a compound gains electrons.
16.  Chain reaction             : Reaksi berantai : A reaction in which the products from one step provide the reagents for the next one.
17.  Colloid                         : Koloid: It's a suspension.
18.  Complex ion                : Ion kompleks: An ion in which a central atom is surrounded by a bunch of molecules like water or ammonia.
19.  Condensation               : Kondensasi: When a vapor reforms a liquid. This is what happens on your bathroom mirror when you take a shower.
20.  Hydrocarbon               : Hidrokarbon: A molecule containing carbon and hydrogen.
21.  Kinetic energy             : Energi kinetik: The energy due to the movement of an object. The more something moves, the more kinetic energy it has.
22.  Mass                            : Massa: The amount of matter in an object. The more mass, the more stuff is present.
23.  Molar mass                  : Massa molar: The mass of one mole of particles.
24.  Osmosis                       : Osmosis: The flow of a pure liquid into an area of high concentration through a semi-permeablemembrane.
25.  Pascal                          : Pascal: Used to measure pressure.
26.  Protons                        : Proton: Particles in a atom with a positive charge.
27.  Neutrons                      : Neutron: Particles in a atom with no charge.
28.  Viscosity                      : Viskositas: The resistance to flow by a fluid.
29.  Isotopes                       : Isotop: Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
30.  Metals                          : Logam: Good conductors of heat and electricity.
31.  Molecule                      : Molekul: A neutral molecule that forms as a result of electron sharing.
32.  Binary compound        : Senyawa biner: Composed of two elements.
33.  Reactants                     : Reaktan: Substances that react.
34.  Synthesis reaction        : Reaksi Sintesis: 2 or more substances that combine to make another.
35.  Metallic bonding        : Ikatan logam: Positively charged metallic ions surrounded by a electron cloud.
36.  Sublimation                 :  Sublimasi: The process of a solid going directly into a vapor.
37.  Ionic bond                   :  Ikatan ion: Force of attraction between opposite charges.
38.  Metalloids                    :  Metalloid: Has properties of both nonmetals and metals.
39.  Coefficients                 :  Koefisien: Numbers in front of each substance in a equation.
40.  Chemical bond                : Ikatan Kimia: Force that holds atoms together in a compound.

8 komentar:

  1. How do I find the number of protons, electrons and neutrons that are in an atom of an element?

    1. By looking at the sum of the number of atoms and the mass number of an element

  2. Hi,Jelpa. try to explain about osmosis! thank you.

    1. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules through selective semipermiabel membranes from the more dilute parts to the more concentrated parts. The semipermeable membrane must be penetrated by the solvent, but not by the solute, resulting in a pressure gradient along the membrane.

  3. Mention examples of strong acids and weak acids ..

    1. weak acid : CH3COOH , H2CO3 , HNO3 , OTHERRS
      strong acid : HCL , HNO3 , H2SO4 , OTHERS

  4. Give me explain and example of synthesis reaction

    1. The synthesis reaction occurs when two or more reactants combine to form one product. The synthesis reaction can be represented by a general equation:
      Another example of a synthesis reaction is a combination of sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) to produce sodium chloride (NaCl). This reaction is represented by the chemical equation:
      2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl

      Sodium is a highly reactive metal, and chlorine is a toxic gas. Both elements are depicted in Figure below. The compounds they synthesize have very different properties. Sodium chloride commonly called table salt, which is not reactive or poisonous. In fact, salt is an important component of human food
