Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Article ( Spesific : Chemistry )

          Gems and Transition Metal Ions ( Permata Dan Ion logam transisi )

Gems ( Metal Ions )

       In everyday life we ​​often find the name of a gemstone. Gems found in different colors and shapes. The colors produced by gems are caused by the presence of transition metal ions in the gemstone. Therefore without the transition metal ions the colored gemstones and certainly not as interesting as seen daily.
           The gemstone here is not a diamond, although diamonds are classified as gems. Pure diamonds are composed only of carbon atoms without transition elements or other elements.
Some Types of Gems
     Ruby or often referred to as a pomegranate red which is one of the crystals of Al2O3. It is called a ruby ​​red because ruby ​​has a red color like pomegranate. The red color generated by ruby ​​due to the replacement of 1% Al3 + ions by Cr3 + ions in its crystal structure, ie Al2O3. So the red color generated by ruby ​​comes from Cr3 + ions.
     If the Al3 + ion ions in the crystal structure are replaced by Fe3 + ions, the gems will be obtained by yellow, called cazicas (topaz). Whereas if the Al2O3 ions in the crystal structure are replaced by a mixture of Fe2 +, Fe3 + and Ti4 + ions, the gems will be obtained in very attractive blue. This gem is called sapphire famous for its blue color (blue sapphire).
      Emeralds (emeralds) are beryl crystals (beryl = beryllium aluminum silicate, BeO.Al2O3.6SiO2) which are green in color. The green color is due to the replacement of Al3 + ions by Cr3 + ions.
       Alexandrite is a gemstone whose color can change depending on the light suber on its surface. When the surface is subject to a flashlight the color is red, while when subjected to sunlight the color is blue. Alexandrite is a crystalline chrysolony (Chrysoberyl = berlium aluminate, BeO.Al2O3) in which about 1% of Al3 + ions in its crystal structure are replaced by Cr3 + ions.

     The various stone structures, gemstone structures that have been studied then gemstones can be made in laboratories or by companies. Gemstones that have been produced in large quantities are ruby ​​and sapphire. Jeweled gems are mostly used as jewelry. This is not apart from the interesting nature. Gems obtained from synthesized nature are very difficult to distinguish. Both can only be distinguished by a gemstone expert.

6 komentar:

  1. What gem transition can product the energy, just simple explain?

    1. The gems that we see today are actually through a process that is so long, starting from some metal and other elemental reactions that form an energized rock

  2. Explain the transition metal ion properties?

    1. 1. Metallic
      All transition elements are metal elements. The metal is soft, shiny, and the conductor of electricity and heat is good. Silver is a transition element that has the highest electrical conductivity at room temperature and copper in second place. However, the properties of the transition metal are somewhat different from those of the main group, especially those of melting and boiling points. Compared with groups IA and IIA, the transition metal elements are harder, have melting points, boiling points, and higher densities. This is because the transition elements share electrons in skins d and s (will be explained next), so the bonds get stronger

      2. Oxidation number
      Unlike groups IA and IIA which have only +1 and +2 oxidation states, transition metal elements have several oxidation states. Such vanadium has oxidation numbers of +2, +3, and +4. Here is an example of the diversity of oxidation levels of the fourth period transition elements

      3. The properties of magnetism
         Every atom and molecule has a magnetic property, namely paramagnetic, in which atoms, molecules, or ions can be slightly drawn by a magnetic field because there are unpaired electrons in its orbitals, and diamagnetics, where atoms, molecules, or ions can be rejected by magnetic fields Because all the electrons in their orbit in pairs

  3. What causes gems to have many colors?

    1. The level of electron energy in similar transition elements causes color to transition metal ions. This happens because the electrons can move to a higher level by absorbing visible light. In the transition group, the 3d subdig on which the subshell is absorbed causes the electrons in the subshell to absorb the energy of light, so that the electrons are excited and emit light energy in a color corresponding to the reflected color of light upon returning to the ground state. For example Ti
       Purple, Ti
       Colorless, Co
       Pink, Co
      Blue, and so forth
