Sabtu, 29 April 2017

Dialogue Cause And Effect

Dialog : Cause And Effect About Chemical Reaction

We can divide the most common linking words and expressions of cause and effect into four group :

1. Conjuring Conjuctiond : For (cause) , So (effect)
2. Subordianting Conjuctions: Because,since,if,whenever,so that,as (cause)
3. Conjuctive Adverbs : Therefore,For this reason,as a rseult,etc
4. Prepositions:Because of,reasons for,consequence of,due to (Cause)

Jelpa: hi Aulia!
Aulia: hello Jelpa!
Jelpa: Aulia, I have a magic attraction.
Aulia: Really? Show me!
Jelpa: I cannot do it here. So instead you guess what would happen if I dipped the notes into a glass of alcohol and water, and then I burned it. What is the effect?
Aulia: I know the answer. The effect is that the notes are not burned.
Jelpa: wow. That’s true. Where do you know?
Aulia: I have seen his videos on the internet.
 Jelpa: Thus why do you think the paper money does not burn?
Aulia: alcohol can form a thin liquid on a sheet of money. Because alcohol is flammable and its density is less than water, the alcohol remains in the top layer. The money sheet will not burn because alcohol cannot seeps into the tightly woven money webbing.
 Jelpa: Then if I use plain paper, what is the effect? Whether the paper will not burn?
Aulia: plain paper cannot be used for this experiment, because alcohol is absorbed much more quickly on woven loose paper fibers. So the effect is the paper will come burning.
Jelpa: Well like that. I wanted to try to do it right away.
Aulia: Be careful in doing so. Keep your face away from the solution. Alcohol is very dangerous because it is volatile.
Jelpa: Yes just be calm down. I will be very careful. After doing so I will be a great magician. Ha ha.
Aulia: LOL. That is not a magic attraction. It's just one of those amazing chemical reactions. 
Jelpa: okay Aulia. It’s time to go back to class.  See you later.

Aulia: bye Jelpa. See you!

4 komentar:

  1. if i use spiritus or fuel or kerosene, is the money can be burned or can not be burned ? explain that!

    1. Thank you vicky
      So this incident of non-combustible paper can only be done if the paper reacts with alcohols such as ethanol.
      If the paper is reacted with kerosene it is clear that the paper will burn due to a reaction called a combustion reaction.

  2. In this case is just that paper money can't got burnt or there's another paper can't got burn too?

    1. Thanks for the question zelvy
      In the above explanation indeed
      Paper used only banknotes, but on the application all paper can be used
