Sabtu, 29 April 2017

Dialogue Cause And Effect

Dialog : Cause And Effect About Chemical Reaction

We can divide the most common linking words and expressions of cause and effect into four group :

1. Conjuring Conjuctiond : For (cause) , So (effect)
2. Subordianting Conjuctions: Because,since,if,whenever,so that,as (cause)
3. Conjuctive Adverbs : Therefore,For this reason,as a rseult,etc
4. Prepositions:Because of,reasons for,consequence of,due to (Cause)

Jelpa: hi Aulia!
Aulia: hello Jelpa!
Jelpa: Aulia, I have a magic attraction.
Aulia: Really? Show me!
Jelpa: I cannot do it here. So instead you guess what would happen if I dipped the notes into a glass of alcohol and water, and then I burned it. What is the effect?
Aulia: I know the answer. The effect is that the notes are not burned.
Jelpa: wow. That’s true. Where do you know?
Aulia: I have seen his videos on the internet.
 Jelpa: Thus why do you think the paper money does not burn?
Aulia: alcohol can form a thin liquid on a sheet of money. Because alcohol is flammable and its density is less than water, the alcohol remains in the top layer. The money sheet will not burn because alcohol cannot seeps into the tightly woven money webbing.
 Jelpa: Then if I use plain paper, what is the effect? Whether the paper will not burn?
Aulia: plain paper cannot be used for this experiment, because alcohol is absorbed much more quickly on woven loose paper fibers. So the effect is the paper will come burning.
Jelpa: Well like that. I wanted to try to do it right away.
Aulia: Be careful in doing so. Keep your face away from the solution. Alcohol is very dangerous because it is volatile.
Jelpa: Yes just be calm down. I will be very careful. After doing so I will be a great magician. Ha ha.
Aulia: LOL. That is not a magic attraction. It's just one of those amazing chemical reactions. 
Jelpa: okay Aulia. It’s time to go back to class.  See you later.

Aulia: bye Jelpa. See you!

Senin, 24 April 2017

Compare And Contrast

 Compare and Contrast : Double Bubble Map ( About Chemistry )

Narration abot Metals


Ms. Hermi       : The metals, which we are now to examine, are bodies of a very different nature  from those which we have hitherto considered. They do not, like the bases of gases, elude the immediate observation of our senses; for they are the most brilliant, the most ponderous, and the most palpable substances in nature.

Jelpapo            : I doubt, however, whether the metals will appear to us so interesting, and give us so much entertainment as those mysterious elements which conceal themselves from our view. Besides, they cannot afford so much novelty; they are bodies with which we are already so well acquainted.

Ms. Hermi       : You are not aware, my dear, of the interesting discoveries which were a few years ago made by Sir H. Davy respecting this class of bodies. By the aid of the Voltaic battery, he has obtained from 315a variety of substances, metals before unknown, the properties of which are equally new and curious. We shall begin, however, by noticing those metals with which you profess to be so well acquainted. But the acquaintance, you will soon perceive, is but very superficial; and I trust that you will find both novelty and entertainment in considering the metals in a chemical point of view. To treat of this subject fully, would require a whole course of lectures; for metals form of themselves a most important branch of practical chemistry. We must, therefore, confine ourselves to a general view of them. These bodies are seldom found naturally in their metallic form: they are generally more or less oxygenated or combined with sulphur, earths, or acids, and are often blended with each other. They are found buried in the bowels of the earth in most parts of the world, but chiefly in mountainous districts, where the surface of the globe has suffered from the earthquakes, volcanos, and other convulsions of nature. They are spread in strata or beds, called veins, and these veins are composed of a certain quantity of metal, combined with various earthy substances, with which they form minerals of different nature and appearance, which are called ores.

Jelpapo            : I now feel quite at home, for my father has 316a lead-mine in Yorkshire, and I have heard a great deal about veins of ore, and of the roasting and smelting of the lead; but, I confess, that I do not understand in what these operations consist.

Ms Hermi      : Roasting is the process by which the volatile parts of the ore are evaporated; smelting, that by which the pure metal is afterwards separated from the earthy remains of the ore. This is done by throwing the whole into a furnace, and mixing with it certain substances that will combine with the earthy parts and other foreign ingredients of the ore; the metal being the heaviest, falls to the bottom, and runs out by proper openings in its pure metallic state.

Jelpapo            :You told us in a preceding lesson that metals had a great affinity for oxygen. Do they not, therefore, combine with oxygen, when strongly heated in the furnace, and run out in the state of oxyds?

Ms Hermi      : No; for the scoriƦ, or oxyd, which soon forms on the surface of the fused metal, when it is oxydable, prevents the air from having any further influence on the mass; so that neither combustion nor oxygenation can take place.

Doni                :Are all the metals equally combustible?

Ms Hermi     : No; their attraction for oxygen varies extremely. There are some that will combine with it only at a very high temperature, or by the assistance of acids; whilst there are others that oxydate spontaneously and with great rapidity, even at the lowest temperature; such is in particular manganese, which scarcely ever exists in the metallic state, as it immediately absorbs oxygen on being exposed to the air, and crumbles to an oxyd in the course of a few hours.

Jelpapo            :Is not that the oxyd from which you extracted the oxygen gas?

Ms Hermi        :It is: so that, you see, this metal attracts oxygen at a low temperature, and parts with it when strongly heated.

Doni                : Is there any other metal that oxydates at the temperature of the atmosphere?

Ms Hermi      : They all do, more or less, excepting gold, silver, and platina. Copper, lead, and iron, oxydate slowly in the air, and cover themselves with a sort of rust, a process which depends on the gradual conversion of the surface into an oxyd. This rusty surface preserves the interior metal from oxydation, as it prevents the air from coming in contact with it. Strictly speaking, however, the word rust applies only to the oxyd, which forms on the surface of iron, when exposed to air and moisture, which oxyd appears to be united with a small portion of carbonic acid.

Jelpapo            : When metals oxydate from the atmosphere without an elevation of temperature, some light and heat, I suppose, must be disengaged, though not in sufficient quantities to be sensible
Ms Hermi        : Undoubtedly; and, indeed, it is not surprising that in this case the light and heat should not be sensible, when you consider how extremely slow, and, indeed, how imperfectly, most metals oxydate by mere exposure to the atmosphere. For the quantity of oxygen with which metals are capable of combining, generally depends upon their temperature; and the absorption stops at various points of oxydation, according to the degree to which their temperature is raised.

Jelpapo            : That seems very natural; for the greater the quantity of caloric introduced into a metal, the more will its positive electricity be exalted, and consequently the stronger will be its affinity for oxygen.

Ms Hermi        : Certainly. When the metal oxygenates with sufficient rapidity for light and heat to become sensible, combustion actually takes place. But this happens only at very high temperatures, and the product is nevertheless an oxyd; for though, as I have just said, metals will combine with different proportions of oxygen, yet with the exception of only five of them, they are not susceptible of acidification. Metals change colour during the different degrees of oxydation which they undergo. Lead, when heated in contact with the atmosphere, first becomes grey; if its temperature be then raised, it turns yellow, and a still stronger heat changes it to red. Iron becomes successively a green, brown, and white oxyd. Copper changes from brown to blue, and lastly green.

Jelpapo            : Pray, is the white lead with which houses are painted prepared by oxydating  lead?

Ms Hermi        : Not merely by oxydating, but by being also united with carbonic acid. It is a carbonat of lead. The mere oxyd of lead is called red lead. Litharge is another oxyd of lead, containing less oxygen. Almost all the metallic oxyds are used as paints. The various sorts of ochres consist chiefly of iron more or less oxydated. And it is a remarkable circumstance, that if you burn metals rapidly, the light or flame they emit during combustion partakes of the colours which the oxyd successively assumes.

Doni                : How is that accounted for, Mrs. B.? For light, you know, does not proceed from the burning body, but from the decomposition of the oxygen gas?

Ms Hermi        : The correspondence of the colour of the light with that of the oxyd which emits it, is, in all probability, owing to some particles of the metal which are volatilised and carried off by the caloric.

Doni                : It is then a sort of metallic gas.

Jelpapo            : Why is it reckoned so unwholesome to breathe the air of a place in which metals are melting?

Ms Hermi        : Perhaps the notion is too generally entertained. But it is true with respect to lead, and some other noxious metals, because, unless care be taken, the particles of the oxyd which are volatilised by the heat are inhaled in with the breath, and may produce dangerous effects. I must show you some instances of the combustion of metals; it would require the heat of a furnace to make them burn in the common air, but if we supply them with a stream of oxygen gas, we may easily accomplish it.

Doni                : But it will still, I suppose, be necessary in some degree to raise their temperature?

Ms Hermi        :  This, as you shall see, is very easily done, particularly if the experiment be tried upon a small scale.—I begin by lighting this piece of charcoal with the candle, and then increase the rapidity of its combustion by blowing upon it with a blow-pipe.

Jelpapo            :That I do not understand; for it is not every kind of air, but merely oxygen gas, that produces combustion. Now you said that in breathing we 322inspired, but did not expire oxygen gas. Why, therefore, should the air which you breathe through the blow-pipe promote the combustion of the charcoal?

Ms Hermi        : Because the air, which has but once passed through the lungs, is yet but little altered, a small portion only of its oxygen being destroyed; so that a great deal more is gained by increasing the rapidity of the current, by means of the blow-pipe, than is lost in consequence of the air passing once through the lungs, as you shall see—

Jelpapo            : Yes, indeed, it makes the charcoal burn much brighter.

Ms Hermi        :  Whilst it is red-hot, I shall drop some iron filings on it, and supply them with a current of oxygen gas, by means of this apparatus. which consists simply of a closed tin cylindrical vessel, full of oxygen gas, with two apertures and stop-cocks, by one of which a stream of water is thrown into the vessel through a long funnel, whilst by the other the gas is forced out through a blow-pipe adapted to it, as the water gains admittance.—Now that I pour water into the funnel, you may hear the gas issuing from the 323blow-pipe—I bring the charcoal close to the current, and drop the filings upon it—

Doni                :  They emit much the same vivid light as the combustion of the iron wire in oxygen gas.

Ms Hermi        : The process is, in fact, the same; there is only some difference in the mode of conducting it. Let us burn some tin in the same manner—you see that it is equally combustible.—Let us now try some copper—

Doni                : This burns with a greenish flame; it is, I suppose, owing to the colour of the oxyd?

Jelpapo            :  Pray, shall we not also burn some gold?

Ms Hermi        :  That is not in our power, at least in this way. Gold, silver, and platina, are incapable of being oxydated by the greatest heat that we can produce by the common method. It is from this circumstance, that they have been called perfect metals. Even these, however, have an affinity for oxygen; but their oxydation or combustion can be performed only by means of acids or by electricity. 324The spark given out by the Voltaic battery produces at the point of contact a greater degree of heat than any other process; and it is at this very high temperature only that the affinity of these metals for oxygen will enable them to act on each other. I am sorry that I cannot show you the combustion of the perfect metals by this process, but it requires a considerable Voltaic battery. You will see these experiments performed in the most perfect manner, when you attend the chemical lectures of the Royal Institution. But in the mean time I can, without difficulty, show you an ingenious apparatus lately contrived for the purpose of producing intense heats, the power of which nearly equals that of the largest Voltaic batteries. It simply consists, you see, in a strong box, made of iron or copper. to which may be adapted this air-syringe or condensing-pump, and a stop-cock terminating in a small orifice similar to that of a blow-pipe. By working the condensing syringe, up and down in this manner, a quantity of air is accumulated in the vessel, which may be increased to almost any extent; so that if we now turn the stop-cock, the condensed air will rush out, forming a jet of considerable force; and if we place the flame of a lamp in the current, you will see how violently the flame is driven in that direction.

Vocabulary ( About Chemistry )


1.      Substance                    : Zat: A type of matter with a fixed composition.
2.      Compound                   : Senyawa: A substance in which the atoms of 2 or more elements are combined.
3.      Element                       : Unsur: If all the atoms in a substance has the same identity it becomes {blank}.
4.      Heterogeneous mixture: Campuran heterogen: Mixture in which different materials can easily be distinguished.
5.      Homogeneous mixture: Campuran homogeny: Contains 2 or more gases, liquids, or solids substances blended evenly.
6.      Periodic table               : Tabel periodic: A table filled with elements in order of atomic numbers, etc.
7.      Electrons                      : Elektron: Particles in a atom with a negative charge.
8.      Solution                       : Larutan: Homogeneous mixture with particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope.
9.      Chemical change         : Perubahan kimia: A change of one substance to another.
10.  Isotopes                       : Isotop: Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
11.  Covalent Bond : Ikatan kovalen: Attraction formed when elements share electrons.
12.  Acid                             : Asam: This is anything that gives off H+ ions in water. Acids have a pH less than 7 and are good at dissolving metals. They turn litmus paper red and phenolphthalein colorless.
13.  Alkali metals                : Logam alkali: Group I in the periodic table
14.  Absolute temperature   : Suhu absolute : This is a temperature reading made relative to absolute zero. We use the unit of Kelvins for these readings.
15.  Cathode                       : Katoda : The electrode in which reduction occurs. Reduction is when a compound gains electrons.
16.  Chain reaction             : Reaksi berantai : A reaction in which the products from one step provide the reagents for the next one.
17.  Colloid                         : Koloid: It's a suspension.
18.  Complex ion                : Ion kompleks: An ion in which a central atom is surrounded by a bunch of molecules like water or ammonia.
19.  Condensation               : Kondensasi: When a vapor reforms a liquid. This is what happens on your bathroom mirror when you take a shower.
20.  Hydrocarbon               : Hidrokarbon: A molecule containing carbon and hydrogen.
21.  Kinetic energy             : Energi kinetik: The energy due to the movement of an object. The more something moves, the more kinetic energy it has.
22.  Mass                            : Massa: The amount of matter in an object. The more mass, the more stuff is present.
23.  Molar mass                  : Massa molar: The mass of one mole of particles.
24.  Osmosis                       : Osmosis: The flow of a pure liquid into an area of high concentration through a semi-permeablemembrane.
25.  Pascal                          : Pascal: Used to measure pressure.
26.  Protons                        : Proton: Particles in a atom with a positive charge.
27.  Neutrons                      : Neutron: Particles in a atom with no charge.
28.  Viscosity                      : Viskositas: The resistance to flow by a fluid.
29.  Isotopes                       : Isotop: Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
30.  Metals                          : Logam: Good conductors of heat and electricity.
31.  Molecule                      : Molekul: A neutral molecule that forms as a result of electron sharing.
32.  Binary compound        : Senyawa biner: Composed of two elements.
33.  Reactants                     : Reaktan: Substances that react.
34.  Synthesis reaction        : Reaksi Sintesis: 2 or more substances that combine to make another.
35.  Metallic bonding        : Ikatan logam: Positively charged metallic ions surrounded by a electron cloud.
36.  Sublimation                 :  Sublimasi: The process of a solid going directly into a vapor.
37.  Ionic bond                   :  Ikatan ion: Force of attraction between opposite charges.
38.  Metalloids                    :  Metalloid: Has properties of both nonmetals and metals.
39.  Coefficients                 :  Koefisien: Numbers in front of each substance in a equation.
40.  Chemical bond                : Ikatan Kimia: Force that holds atoms together in a compound.

Minggu, 23 April 2017

Meeting to 11 :Cause and effect when a chemical reaction occurs

Cause and effect when a chemical reaction occurs  ( Sebab dan akibat bila terjadi suatu reaksi kimia )

Chemical reactions

Chemical Reactions That Cause Color Change

     Whenever a chemical reaction occurs, the changes that people observe are caused by the creation or loss of certain types of materials. For instance, temperature can generate a chemical reaction. An easy way to recognize a chemical change is to compare the color of the original item with the new one. A number of chemical reactions cause color changes

    Chemical reactions are said to or take place if one of the following things should be observed ie the reaction produces gas, sediment, temperature change and color change. Chemical reactions are a process whereby new substances, the reaction product, are formed from some of the original substances, called reactants. Usually a chemical reaction is accompanied by physical events, such as discoloration, sediment formation, or gas generation. Symbols expressing a chemical reaction are called chemical equations.

water reaction

The characteristics of a chemical reaction are:
1. Color Changes occur
     In chemical reactions, the reactants are converted into products. Changes that occur can be caused by the breaking of bonds antaratom reactants and the formation of bonds that bru make the product. To break the bond needed energy. To form a new bond, it releases some energy. Thus, in chemical reactions there is a change of energy. The chemical reaction that produces energy in the form of heat is called an exothermic reaction. The reaction that absorbs heat energy is called the endothermic reaction.
   Example: Fire can warm a cold body and when breathing heat exists in the body due to exercise is released so the body becomes cold.
2. Temperature Changes occur
    In chemical reactions, the reactants are converted into products. Changes that occur can be caused by the breaking of bonds reagent antaratom and the formation of new bonds that make up the product. To break the bond needed energy.Chemical reactions that produce energy in the form of heat are called exothermic reactions, while reactions that absorb heat energy are called endothermic reactions. Chemical reactions occur in a space we call dbngan system, where outside the system called the environment. In the exothermic reaction, there is transfer of heat energy from sisitem to the environment. At the endothermal reaction is the transfer of heat energy from the environment to the system.
3. Occurs Sediment Formation
When reacting two solutions in a test tube, it sometimes forms an insoluble, solid compound, separated from the solution. The solids are called sediments (precipitates)
4. Gas Formation occurs
Simply put, in the chemical reaction of the formed gas is indicated in the presence of bubbles in the reacted solution. The presence of gas can be known from its peculiar smell, such as sulfidic acid (H2S) and ammonia (NH3) that smells rotten.In writing the equation of the reaction required three steps:

A. The names of reactants and reaction products are written, the result is called a equation called.Example: nitrogen oxide + oxygen Nitrogen dioxide

B. As a substance name penggantin used chemical formulas.The result is called the frame equation.Example: No + O2 No2

C. The skeletal equations are then in equilibrium, which results in a chemical equation. Example: 2No + O2 2No2

Types of chemical reactions:

Combustion is a reaction in which an element or compound with oxygen forms a simple oxygen-containing compound.
Example :
CO2, H2O and SO2
C3H8 (9) + 5O2 (9) 3CO2 (9) + 4H2O (9)
2C6H14O4 (9) + 15O2 12Co2 (9) + 14H2O (9)

B.Collection (synthetic)
A reaction in which a more complex substance is formed from two or more simpler substances (both elements and compounds).
2H2 (9) + O2 2H2O (9)
CO (9) + 2H2 (9) CH3OH (9)

Is a reaction in which a substance is broken down into simpler substances 2Ag2O (p) 4Ag (p) + O2 (9)

D.Changes (Shift date)
Is a reaction in which an element is transferred to another element in a compound. Cu (p) + 2Ag + (ag) CU2 + (ag) + 2 Ag (p)

E.Metatesis (transfer date)
Is a reaction where there is exchange between two reactions.
AgNo3 (ag) NaCL (ag) AgCL (p) + NaNO3 (ag)

    The best way to provide a chemical reaction is to write a balanced chemical equation which is a qualitative and quantitative statement of the reactants involved. Each substance is represented by its molecular formula. Express the number of atoms of all kinds in a unit of that substance. The molecular formula is a multiplier of the empirical formula of the substance that states
    The minimum amount possible in the correct comparison of atoms of each kind. The three general classes of reactions encountered with melaus in chemistry are direct combination reactions, simple change reactions and double preconditioning reactions. Quantitative relationships between reactants and reaction products in a balanced chemical equation provide a stripometric basis.The calculation of staikiomentry requires the use of elemental weight of the element and the weight of the compound molecule. The amount of a particular reaction which is calculated will be obtained in a theoretical rendement chemical reaction for a chemical reaction. It is important to know which are limiting reagents ie reagents that can theoretically react to exhaustion, whereas other reagents are excessive.
If chemical reactions occur, three kinds of changes can be observed: a. Changes in Nature

B.Change Changes

C. Energy Changes

    All chemical changes are certainly parent on the law of preservation of energy laws and the law of mass energy preservation. A certain composition of senyawakimia by the law of definite order and comparative law resides. The fundamental fundamentals underlying all the kimiam changes are the theoretical chemistry areas, the correlation between the concept of elements and the compound with the four laws mentioned above is obtained in Dalton Theory of Dalton, modern theory First about the atoms and molecules as fundamental particles of substances grown from this theory include the scale, the relative atomic weight of the elements dissolved according to the increase of atomic weights, the appearance of the elements regularly with certain properties pushed the meddeleu arrange the periodical table Of the elements and predicted the existence of some unknown elements.

Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Article ( Spesific : Chemistry )

          Gems and Transition Metal Ions ( Permata Dan Ion logam transisi )

Gems ( Metal Ions )

       In everyday life we ​​often find the name of a gemstone. Gems found in different colors and shapes. The colors produced by gems are caused by the presence of transition metal ions in the gemstone. Therefore without the transition metal ions the colored gemstones and certainly not as interesting as seen daily.
           The gemstone here is not a diamond, although diamonds are classified as gems. Pure diamonds are composed only of carbon atoms without transition elements or other elements.
Some Types of Gems
     Ruby or often referred to as a pomegranate red which is one of the crystals of Al2O3. It is called a ruby ​​red because ruby ​​has a red color like pomegranate. The red color generated by ruby ​​due to the replacement of 1% Al3 + ions by Cr3 + ions in its crystal structure, ie Al2O3. So the red color generated by ruby ​​comes from Cr3 + ions.
     If the Al3 + ion ions in the crystal structure are replaced by Fe3 + ions, the gems will be obtained by yellow, called cazicas (topaz). Whereas if the Al2O3 ions in the crystal structure are replaced by a mixture of Fe2 +, Fe3 + and Ti4 + ions, the gems will be obtained in very attractive blue. This gem is called sapphire famous for its blue color (blue sapphire).
      Emeralds (emeralds) are beryl crystals (beryl = beryllium aluminum silicate, BeO.Al2O3.6SiO2) which are green in color. The green color is due to the replacement of Al3 + ions by Cr3 + ions.
       Alexandrite is a gemstone whose color can change depending on the light suber on its surface. When the surface is subject to a flashlight the color is red, while when subjected to sunlight the color is blue. Alexandrite is a crystalline chrysolony (Chrysoberyl = berlium aluminate, BeO.Al2O3) in which about 1% of Al3 + ions in its crystal structure are replaced by Cr3 + ions.

     The various stone structures, gemstone structures that have been studied then gemstones can be made in laboratories or by companies. Gemstones that have been produced in large quantities are ruby ​​and sapphire. Jeweled gems are mostly used as jewelry. This is not apart from the interesting nature. Gems obtained from synthesized nature are very difficult to distinguish. Both can only be distinguished by a gemstone expert.