Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

Meeting to 14 : Using english to report

Reports From A Simple Chemical Experiment

Name                           : Jelpapo Putra Yanto
Date Lab was finished    : 01-05-2017
Title of Lab                  : Paper money not burned

 “Paper money not burned”
In a money-burning demonstration, paper currency is burning but not consumed by fire. It is a neat 'magic trick' that describes combustion processes, combustible alcohols, and the special qualities of materials used to make currency.Each substance has its own properties. Water for example, clear (colorless), tasteless, liquid, can wet paper. Alcohol, almost the same as water, is colorless (clear), can mix with water in any comparison with water, but will have different effects if taken. Unlike water that when drunk is healthy, alcohol is intoxicating when taken. Water can not burn, alcohol is highly flammable.Even the salt of the kitchen (NaCl) will make yellow when burned (yellow spectrum)

A. Scientific Concept of Burned Money

Combustion reactions occur between alcohol and oxygen, generating heat and light (energy) and carbon dioxide and water.
C2H5OH + 4 O2 -> 2 CO2 + 3 H2O + energy
    When the note is immersed in an alcohol solution, the alcohol has a high vapor pressure and especially on the outside of the banknote. When the paper money is on, alcohol is actually burning. The temperature at which the burning alcohol is not high enough to evaporate water, which has a high specific heat, so the paper money remains wet and can not burn itself. After the alcohol has been burned, the fire goes out, leaving the paper money rather damp.

B. Tools and materials

Here are the tools and materials needed to perform a money-burning demonstration:
• Banknotes (with a higher nominal if you dare)
• Brace
• Matches
• Salt (or any chemical if it wants to have a colored flame)
• 50% alcohol and 50% water solution (mix 70% -95% alcohol with water in 1: 1 ratio, if desired)


After collecting the ingredients, let's burn the money ...
1. Prepare an alcohol and water solution by mixing 50 ml of water and 50 ml of 70-95% alcohol.
2. Add a little salt or other dye to the aqueous solution, to help produce a visible flame color.
3. Soak a sheet of paper money in the alcohol solution so it is completely wet.
4. Use a brace to take the banknote. Let the liquid drip. Transfer the damp paper money away from the alcohol solution.
5. Burn the paper money with fire until the flame goes out.

Things to note

This trial should only be accompanied by teachers, parents, or adults. It is advisable to be very careful in carrying out these experiments with safety glasses better and done on a fireproof table.Keep your face away from the solution (alcohol is very dangerous because it is volatile, breathe on steam).

Conclusions Unique Facts Chemical Experiments Simple Money Flame Resistant

Alcohol can form a thin liquid on a sheet of money. Because alcohol is flammable and its density is less than water, the alcohol remains on the top layer. The money bill can not burn because alcohol can not seep into tightly woven money mills. Plain paper can not be used for this experiment, since alcohol is absorbed much more rapidly on woven loose paper fibers.


In this experiment, it takes precision and courage. In this case, the alcohol and water content must be precise so it can be done well. It is advisable to use laboratory equipment such as lab coats, gloves and masks

13 komentar:

  1. What benefits do we get from the above experiments?

    1. Thanks for the question,
      Chemistry can not be separated from human life. Chemical reactions can be beneficial to human life.
      The above experiment is one of them, where we can know the positive benefits of an alcoholic compound.
      And in fact this event can be applied in a very precarious situation

  2. What do you think is important for this practicum for life

    1. Nina, maybe what you are asking is the usefulness of this experiment.
       I explained, that the benefit of this simple experiment is one of which we can apply this experiment in a magic show. And surely we can study and analyze this miraculous chemical reaction.

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  4. Mention the benefits of the lab that you have written the lab report?

    1. Many of the benefits we get from our experiments in the laboratory, where we can know the application of chemistry and are directly involved in the experiment.

  5. hi jelpa. How to determine the chemical formula of the substance done with Gay Lussac and Avogadro discovery theory? thanks

    1. _ Comparative Law of Volume (Gay Lussac Law)
      Applies only to chemical reactions that involve the gas phase
      "At the same temperature and pressure, the ratio of reactant gas volume to the gas volume of the reaction product is a simple integer (equal to the ratio of the reaction coefficient)"
      N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g)The gas volume ratio is equal to the ratio of the reaction coefficient. This means that every 1 mL of N2 gas exactly reacts with 3 mL of H2 gas to form 2 mL of NH3 gas. Thus, to obtain 50 L of NH 3 gas, it takes 25 L of N2 gas and 75 L of H2 gas.
      CO (g) + H2O (g) → CO2 (g) + H2 (g)
      The gas volume ratio is equal to the ratio of the reaction coefficient. This means that every 1 mL of CO gas reacts exactly with 1 mL of H2O gas to form 1 mL of CO2 gas and 1 mL of H2 gas. Thus, as much as 4 L of CO gas requires 4 L of H2O gas to form 4 L of CO2 gas and 4 L of H2 gas.

      _ Avogadro's Law
      Applies only to chemical reactions that involve the gas phase
      "At the same temperature and pressure, the same volumes of gas contain the same number of moles"
      Avogadro's law is closely related to Gay Lussac's Law
      N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g)
      The mole ratio is equal to the ratio of the reaction coefficient. This means that every 1 mole of precise N2 gas reacts with 3 moles of H 2 gas to form 2 moles of NH 3 gas. The gas volume ratio is equal to the ratio of the reaction coefficient. This means that every 1 L of N2 gas precisely reacts with 3 L of H 2 gas to form 2 L of NH3 gas. Thus, if at a certain temperature and pressure, 1 mole of gas is equivalent to 1 L of gas, then 2 moles of gas is equivalent to 2 L of gas. In other words, the mole gas ratio is equal to the ratio of gas volume.

  6. Explain why paper money can not burned?

    1. Alcohol can form a thin liquid on a sheet of money. Because alcohol is flammable and its density is less than water, the alcohol remains on the top layer. The money bill can not burn because alcohol can not seep into tightly woven money mills. Plain paper can not be used for this experiment, since alcohol is absorbed much more rapidly on woven loose paper fibers.


  7. Specify the structure of the report then explain what it does

    1. 1. Name , Date , Title of Lab
      2. Introduction
      3. Material
      4. Method
      5. Raw Data
      6. Processing
      7. Conclusion
      8. Evaluation
