Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

Lesson Plan (RPP)



School                         : SMAN 6 KERINCI
Subject                         : CHEMISTRY
Class / Semester          : X / 1
Time Allocation          : 2 x 45

A. Core Competence (KI)

KI3: Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on his curiosity about science knowledge, technology, art, culture, and humanities with insights of humanity, nationality, statehood, and civilization related causes of phenomena and events, and apply procedural knowledge in the appropriate field of study with his talents and interests to solve problems.
KI4: Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete domain and abstract domain related to the development of what it learned in school independently, and able to use appropriate methods based on scientific rules.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators

Basic Competence

3.3 Understand how to write the electron configuration and the outer electron configuration pattern for each class in the periodic table
3.3.1 Identify the quantum numbers
3.3.2 Determining the quantum numbers (possible position of electrons)
3.3.3 Describes bark and sub bark and its relation to the quantum numbers
3.3.4 Write down electron configurations based on auf smell principles and rules
3.3.5 Connect the electrons configuration to the location of elements in the elemental periodic system

4.3 Determining the location of an element in the periodic table and its properties based on the electron configuration
4.3.1 Determining the location of an element in the periodic table based on the electron configuration
4.3.2 Describe the relationship between the element properties and the electron configuration

C. Learning Materials

Learning Materials
• The atomic constituents are protons, electrons and neutrons.
• Atomic number, mass number
• Electron consists of skin, sub skin
• Isotopes, Isobars, Isotons
• Quantum Numbers
• Principle auf smell
• Hund Rules
• Properties - properties elements in groups
• Electron configuration

D. Learning Activities

1. First Meeting: (2 Learning Time)
1. Identify Quantum Numbers
2. Determining quantum numbers (possible electrons are)
3. Describes bark and sub bark and its relation to quantum numbers

a. Pre-Activities
1.      Greeting
2.      Asking students to lead prayers.
3.      Asking readiness to learn.
4.      Apperception; asking some atomic models.

b. Whilst-Activities
Description of Learning Activities
Time allocation

Problem Statement (Problem Identification)

Data Collecting

Data processing



Presents some images of the atomic barks sequence
Figure 1

Figure 2

Students discuss the link between the two images and their relation to the position of an atom.

Collect data on bark and sub bark relationships with electron position. By dividing the group into several topics.
Topic 1: Major quantum numbers
Topic 2: Azimuth quantum numbers
Topic 3: Magnetic quantum numbers
Topic 4: Spin quantum number

Students compare the results of the discussion in groups with the results of other groups through visits to each other group.

Through class discussions each group present the results of the group discussion.

The teacher reinforces and straightens the results of class discussions on quantum number determination.

Learners exercise about the quantum number determination with the game Rolling stick

c. Post-Activities
1.      Students conclude about quantum numbers
2.      Students reflect learning activities

E. Technique of Assessment

1. Knowledge: Written Test.
2. Attitude: Observation of Discussion activities

F. Media / Tools, Materials, and Learning Resources

1. Media / tools: Images, Charts, Game item cards, LCD.
2. Material: -
3. Learning Resources: Textbooks, Internet

1. Learning Materials Meeting 1
2. Assessment Instruments Meeting 1

Assessment of Attitude

  1. Completing the tasks according to the division of tasks assigned

  1. Submitting performance results according to the time set

  1. Appreciating peers in discussions

Note :
Score 0 = Less in accordance with the indicator
Score 1 = Enough In accordance with the indicator
Score 2 = Very in accordance with the indicator

There are still many difficulties to determine the relationship between syntax and learning activities.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Meeting to 15 : Using english to Predict rendement of product a reaction



Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Extract from Fruit Skin Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)


This study aims to determine the total content of the compound Phenolic and antioxidant activity of mangosteen peel extract. Sample Which is used is fresh and dried mangosteen peel, extracted With hot water solvent and methanol for 24 hours. Research methods This is done by determining the total content of phenolic compounds andAntioxidant activity using free radical antidote method DPPH. The total content of the highest phenolic compounds in the methanol extract Dry sample (MK), followed by wet sample methanol extract (MB), extract Dry water samples (AK), and wet sample water extract (AB). Activity Antioxidants as a free antidote to large DPPH free radicals are known With a small IC50 value, the highest antioxidant activity in MKOf 44.49 mg / L, followed by MB, AK, AB respectively 54.95; 346,73;346,74 mg / L

2. Method

2.1 Tools
The tool used is filter paper Whatman, digital scales, micropipets,UV-Vis spectrophotometer Milton Roy 501, rotary Evaporator, vacuum, vortex, water bath, desiccator, andSieve of 65 mesh.

2.2 Material
Materials used as samples Ie fresh and dried mangosteen peel. Ingredients Chemical used is 96% methanol,Heated aquades, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 50% Folin Ciocalteu reagent, Na2CO3 solution2%, aquades.

3 Research Procedures
3.1 Sampling and Sample Preparation
The sample used is fruit peel Mangosteen obtained from kerinci Market, Jambi,. Sample usedIs fresh (wet) and dried. For Wet sample, sample washed and cut into piecesSmall, while for dry samples, samples Dried for 3 days then mashed With a blender then filtered with a mesh of 65 mesh To get the powder.

3.2 Making Extraction
A total of 50 g of sample is macerated by 200ML methanol in Erlenmeyer 500 mL for 24 Hour with several stirring times. Do The same treatment of hot water solvents. After that the solution is filtered by using Vacuum and filter paper to separate the dregs And filtrate, the filtrate is then evaporated for Vaporize the solvent. So obtained extract Solvent of mangosteen peel. Extract then Weighed and stored at 40 ° C. Each The extract is then dissolved in methanol.

3.3. Determination of Total Phenolic Content
The total content of phenolic skin of mangosteen fruit Determined by Jeong et al. In Kiay et Al. (2011). A total of 0.1 mL of methanol and water extract Put in a test tube and then added 0.1 mL 50% Folin Ciocalteu reagent, the mixture Divortex for 3 minutes, plus 2 mL of solution Na2CO3 2%, then the mixture is stored in Dark room for 30 minutes. Absorbance
Read at 750 nm wavelength with UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The result is plotted tehadap
Standard curve of gallic acid prepared with The same way. The total phenol content is expressed as
Mg equivalent of galic acid / g extract.

3.4. Determination of Free Radical Abuse Activity DPPH
Determination of free radical antidote activity DPPH of mangosteen peel is determined by the method Gaulejac et al. In Kiay et al. (2011) are few Modified. A total of 0.5 mL each
Methanol extract and water (dry and wet) Added with 2 mL of DPPH and divortex solution For 2 minutes. Changed the color of the solution from purple To yellow shows the radical antidote efficiency free. Then in the last 5 minutes 30 min incubation, absorbance measured at Wavelength 517 nm by using UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Radical deterrent activity Freely calculated as reduced percentage Color DPPH by using the equation;

% Free radical repellent activity = (1-𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑙 + 𝑘𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑘𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝑘𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑥 100%)

Of the percent price of free radical repellent Obtained, a curve made between the percent of the antidote Free radical to the concentration of the test solution. From The linear regression equation can be determined Value of IC50, ie the concentration of the inhibition of the test solution Able to ward off 50% free radicals.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Mangosteen Skin Extraction
Mangosteen peel extraction is done with Hot water solvent and 96% methanol. Rind
The mangosteen that is macerated for 24 hours is the skin Fresh (wet) mangosteen fruit and mangosteen peel dry. While for dry water solvent sample extract And wet (AK and AB), extracted methanol sample Wet (MB) yields successive rendement Are 12%, 11% and 15.5% respectively. Percent yield Methanol extract is higher because when extracted More extracted compounds Dissolved in methanol solvent compared with water. The addition of solvent to a material must Based on the solubility nature of the solvent Used and the nature of the components to be Dissolved. Phenolic components can be extracted from Plant material by using solvent Such as water, methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate

4.2. Total Phenolic Content
The total phenolic content analysis was performed for To know the potential of mangosteen fruit skin extract As an antidote to free radicals and stabilizers Based on Figure 2 note that The highest total phenol content is produced by Extract with dry methanol sample solvent (MK) Amounted to 141.837 mg / kg, this can be seen from The color change from yellow to color Blue, with increasingly dark color differences Compared with other extracts. This matter Shows that the phenolic compounds at The skin of the mangosteen fruit is more soluble in methanol solvent. The high content of phenol extracted Due to the influence of the solvent used for Extraction. Solvents such as methanol and ethanol Is a very widely used and solvent Effective for the extraction of phenolic components From natural materials (Shahidi in Katja and Suryanto, 2009). The total phenolic content can be produced from A number of simple molecules ie phenolic compounds, Up to complex molecules such as tannins (tannins Hydrolyzed and condensed tannins) (Robards et al., Singlet oxygen. The human body produces Antioxidant compounds, but the amount is often Not enough to neutralize that free radical Into the body. The chemical components are Acting as an antioxidant is a compound Phenolic and polyphenolic classes. Compounds There are many classes in nature, especially On the plants, and have the ability To capture free radicals (Ramle et al., 2008).

5. Conclusions
Based on the research results can be concluded That the mangosteen peel extract has The total phenolic content and antioxidant activity Which is large, with a total phenolic content and The highest antioxidant activity in the methanol extract Dry sample, followed by wet sample methanol extract, Dry water sample extract and water sample extract wet.


Katja, D. G. dan Suryanto, E. Efek Penstabil Oksigen Singlet Ekstrak Pewarna dari Daun Bayam Terhadap Fotooksidasi Asam Linoleat, Protein, dan Asam askorbat. Chem. Prog. 2009, 2,79-86

Windono, T., Soediman, S., Yudawati, U., Ermawati, E., Srielita, Erowati, T. I. Uji Peredam Radikal Bebas terhadap 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dari Ekstrak Kulit Buah dan Biji Anggur (Vitis vinifera L.) Probolinggo Biru dan Bali. Artocarpus. 2001, 1, 34-43

Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

Meeting to 14 : Using english to report

Reports From A Simple Chemical Experiment

Name                           : Jelpapo Putra Yanto
Date Lab was finished    : 01-05-2017
Title of Lab                  : Paper money not burned

 “Paper money not burned”
In a money-burning demonstration, paper currency is burning but not consumed by fire. It is a neat 'magic trick' that describes combustion processes, combustible alcohols, and the special qualities of materials used to make currency.Each substance has its own properties. Water for example, clear (colorless), tasteless, liquid, can wet paper. Alcohol, almost the same as water, is colorless (clear), can mix with water in any comparison with water, but will have different effects if taken. Unlike water that when drunk is healthy, alcohol is intoxicating when taken. Water can not burn, alcohol is highly flammable.Even the salt of the kitchen (NaCl) will make yellow when burned (yellow spectrum)

A. Scientific Concept of Burned Money

Combustion reactions occur between alcohol and oxygen, generating heat and light (energy) and carbon dioxide and water.
C2H5OH + 4 O2 -> 2 CO2 + 3 H2O + energy
    When the note is immersed in an alcohol solution, the alcohol has a high vapor pressure and especially on the outside of the banknote. When the paper money is on, alcohol is actually burning. The temperature at which the burning alcohol is not high enough to evaporate water, which has a high specific heat, so the paper money remains wet and can not burn itself. After the alcohol has been burned, the fire goes out, leaving the paper money rather damp.

B. Tools and materials

Here are the tools and materials needed to perform a money-burning demonstration:
• Banknotes (with a higher nominal if you dare)
• Brace
• Matches
• Salt (or any chemical if it wants to have a colored flame)
• 50% alcohol and 50% water solution (mix 70% -95% alcohol with water in 1: 1 ratio, if desired)


After collecting the ingredients, let's burn the money ...
1. Prepare an alcohol and water solution by mixing 50 ml of water and 50 ml of 70-95% alcohol.
2. Add a little salt or other dye to the aqueous solution, to help produce a visible flame color.
3. Soak a sheet of paper money in the alcohol solution so it is completely wet.
4. Use a brace to take the banknote. Let the liquid drip. Transfer the damp paper money away from the alcohol solution.
5. Burn the paper money with fire until the flame goes out.

Things to note

This trial should only be accompanied by teachers, parents, or adults. It is advisable to be very careful in carrying out these experiments with safety glasses better and done on a fireproof table.Keep your face away from the solution (alcohol is very dangerous because it is volatile, breathe on steam).

Conclusions Unique Facts Chemical Experiments Simple Money Flame Resistant

Alcohol can form a thin liquid on a sheet of money. Because alcohol is flammable and its density is less than water, the alcohol remains on the top layer. The money bill can not burn because alcohol can not seep into tightly woven money mills. Plain paper can not be used for this experiment, since alcohol is absorbed much more rapidly on woven loose paper fibers.


In this experiment, it takes precision and courage. In this case, the alcohol and water content must be precise so it can be done well. It is advisable to use laboratory equipment such as lab coats, gloves and masks